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Todd Gastaldo March 3rd 04 10:51 PM

NPR: How to make labor more painful (SURPRISE!)
NPR journalists say: "Surprise us"

"Surprise us...[W]e are looking for stories, events or people that present
something new, important, and interesting to a nationwide audience..."
--NPR = National Public Radio

PREGNANT WOMEN (any pregnant NPR staffers reading?): MDs are closing birth
canals up to 30% and it's EASY to allow your birth canal to open the "extra"
up to 30%!

See BEWARE though below.




a. Don't report on the fact that MDs are knowingly closing birth canals up
to 30% by using semisitting and dorsal delivery.

b. Don't report on the fact that MDs indirectly admit ON VIDEO that they are
closing birth canals.

c. Don't report on the fact that in ACOG's Shoulder Dystocia Drill video,
American MDs purport to tell each
other how to allow birth canals to OPEN maximally when shoulders get stuck -
which means MDs know they are CLOSING birth canals most of the time.

d. Don't report on the "kicker": ACOG's method of allowing the birth canal
to open
actually keeps it closed!

See ACOG birth crime video evidence

e. Finally, don't report on the fact that The Merck Manual also contains an
indirect admission that MDs are knowingly closing birth canals up to 30%.

(NOTE: The Merck Manual is quoted below; ACOG = American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists)

REMEMBER: "It is established obstetric teaching that a narrow pelvic outlet
predisposes to a difficult vaginal delivery..."
--Dr. Andrea Froschauer-Frudinger et al. [Br J Obstet Gynaecol

We all know what difficult vaginal deliveries can lead to...



a. Don't ask birth experts (doula's, midwives, MDs) who are interviewed on
NPR why they've been "forgetting" to mention the bizarre medical practice of
closing birth canals routinely at delivery...

b. Don't ask birth experts why they've been "forgetting" to mention the
following facts that explain why some women BEG for epidurals and end up
with C-sections...

Fact #1: OBs cause EXTRA PAIN by making the uterus push with the birth
canal senselessly closed up to 30%.

Fact #2: OBs cause MAJOR extra pain by chemically whipping the uterus with
oxytocin, Cytotec, PGE2 - causing it to contract VIOLENTLY with the birth
canal senselessly closed up to 30%.

Fact #3: These chemically-induced VIOLENT uterine contractions
understandably cause women to BEG for epidurals as many end up with

c. Don't ask birth experts (eg. ICAN/Pink Kit) why they've been "forgetting"
to mention that MDs are CAUSING cephalopelvic disproportion (and failure to
progress) then performing C-sections BEcause of cephalopelvic disproportion
(and failure to progress).

d. Don't ask birth experts why they've been "forgetting" to mention that the
epidural rate and the C-section rate would likely go down significantly if
MDs STOPPED closing birth canals and causing EXTRA PAIN.

REMEMBER: "It is established obstetric teaching that a narrow pelvic outlet
predisposes to a difficult vaginal delivery..."
--Dr. Andrea Froschauer-Frudinger et al. [Br J Obstet Gynaecol


PREGNANT WOMEN (any pregnant NPR staff members reading?)...

MDs, MBs and midwives (esp. CNMwives) are
closing birth canals up to 30%. To allow your birth canal to OPEN the
"extra" up to 30% simply roll onto your side as you push your baby out. Or
go to hands-and-knees, or kneel or stand or squat - LOTS of "alternative"
delivery positions allow the birth canal to open the "extra" up to 30%.

Do NOT let your MD, MB or midwife try to deliver your baby vaginally with
you semisitting or dorsal! Talk to your MD, MB or midwife about this today.

BEWA Some MDs,
MBs and midwives (esp. CNMwives; see below) like semisitting so much they
allow women to labor in
"alternative" positions but then
move them to semisitting (close their birth canals!) for the actual
delivery! Make sure your MD, MB, or midwife promises not to close your
birth canal as you push your baby out!

Again - any pregnant NPR staffers reading? Maybe this will reach pregnant
NPR staffers if I bcc the following NPR email addresses:
; ; ;
; ;
; ; ;

; ;
; ;
; ;


READERS (esp. Larry McMahan):

PLEASE URGE birth experts - those who discuss birth in print and in the
media - to ALWAYS point out that MDs are senselessly closing birth canals,
etc. - until MDs stop this bizarre birth practice.

PLEASE URGE NPR Ombudsman Jeffrey A. Dvorkin ) to have NPR
interviewers remind birth experts to mention that MDs are senselessly
closing birth canals, etc.


Larry McMahan ) mentioned me as he said he was
"****ED" (emphasis added) about an NPR interview with a doula he had heard

Larry wrote:

"Move over Henci and [Todd], Now I'm ****ed...[the doula's] epidural rate
was 40%...better than the 70% average, but it is no big whoppee!"


When you titled your post "Now I'm ****ed," I was HOPING you might mention
whether the doula interviewed on NPR failed to mention that MDs are closing
birth canals.

After all, I had just called your attention to Henci's glaring omission of
this fact...

See Henci Goer's mysterious silence about a White Elephant Fact...

Does Monika remember whether the doula mentioned that MDs are closing birth

I would love to hear that she did - but I doubt it - doulas are no better
than midwives (or MDs) in this regard...

Most doulas, midwives (esp. CNMwives) and MDs are "prisoners" of a SILENT
protocol - babies be damned...

Michel Odent, MD is a terrible offender in this regard...

Yale CNMwifery Prof. Helen Varney is too - she actually ignored my pleas and
PROMOTED closing the birth canal (semisitting)!

See Odent on forceps (also: midwives 'prisoners of protocol')?


NPR Ombudsman Jeffrey A. Dvorkin ) mentions a complaint
from a doula.

NPR Ombudsman Jeffrey writes:

"...Susan Stamberg interviewed a doula, or childbirth coach...The interview
was a good one although the doula interviewed was PENNY Simkin, NOT PEGGY
Simkin...Correction please?...Elaine Aragon
Doula, Boulder, Colorado"

It is good that NPR interviewed Doula Penny Simkin - but I doubt Penny
mentioned that MDs are closing birth canals either.

Doula Penny knows MDs and CNMwives routinely close birth canals...

She writes:

"[M]ost doctors and [nurse] midwives are accustomed to the semisitting
position...[T]hey may be willing to let you try other positions, if you
ask...[But] you get close to delivery...[they] may ask you to move
to [semisitting]..."
[Simkin, P, Whalley J, Keppler, A. Pregnancy, Childbirth and the
Newborn: The Complete Guide (Expanded and updated). Meadowbrook Press:
Minnetonka, MN (dist. by Simon and Schuster). 2001:201]

Coincidentally, I mentioned Doula Penny Simkin in a post I cc'd to Henci

See Henci says OBs causing 'short violent labors'/Semisitting birth is NOT


"...the weight of the mother is in part taken on the sacrum which is
therefore pushed upwards, thus decreasing the antero-posterior diameter of
the pelvic outlet..."
--British National Health Service/NHS West Midlands Perinatal
Institute/WMPI, Jason Gardosi, MD, Director

NHS's Jason Gardosi, MD once tried to "scientifically" *cover-up* the
obstetric crime: Gardosi and colleagues conducted a "randomised controlled
trial of squatting" where nobody squatted - and got it published in The
Lancet. Squatting allows sacroiliac motion and Gardosi et al.'s "squatting"
women were semirecumbent in Gardosi's Birth Cushion which was specifically
to allow sacroiliac motion - which is presumably why Gardosi et al. were
allowed to call their study a "squatting" study. Semirecumbency
(semisitting) normally DENIES sacroiliac motion - keeps the birth canal
closed up to 30%.

I discuss Gardosi further in Sarah Key's huge balls (also: Kids can SQUAT
motionless for

(Sarah is occasional physiotherapist to HRH Prince of Wales.)

BTW, Gardosi (and obstetrician pal Malcolm Griffiths) helped get me censored
from OBGYN-List an international obstetrician listserv for suggesting that
obstetricians should stop closing birth canals!

Fortunately though, two of my OBGYN-List posts were archived before I was


FURTHER COMMENT BELOW - after Larry's cyber barf... : )

"Larry McMahan" wrote in message
[Move over Henci and Tood, Now I'm ****ed]...and I didn't even hear the


Monika did and told me about it. One of our local NPR stations
(KALW, SF Unified School Dist) had an interview with a Doula.

What a crock. She kept going on and on about how good the OBs
and hospitals she worked with were. Her epidural rate was 40%.
OK. I admit that is better than the 70% average, but it is no
big whoppee!

Reminds me of the Union big wheels whose job it to protect the
workers from corporate excess, but who have thier hands in the
workers pockets also.

Excuse me while I barf,


I would say MDs and MBs are the "Union big wheels" and midwives and doulas
are "Union LITTLE wheels"...

Corporate excess = Pharmamafia = epidurals in 70% of 4 million births...

Only a member of a pharmaceutical mafia would maintain "omerta" - a code of
silence - as epidural drug salesmen (MDs) close birth canals!

As indicated above, Pharmamafia member MERCK indirectly ADMITS that MDs are
routinely closing birth canals - and has been doing so since I pointed out
the grisly gaff to Merck in 1999!

According to The Merck Manual,

"When shoulder dystocia occurs, all available personnel should be summoned
to the room, then the mother's thighs are hyperflexed to increase the
diameter of the pelvic outlet..."

I recently wrote to Merck:

Arrrggghhhh! Sorry to get E-motional but...

Why don't MDs increase the diameter of the pelvic outlet BEFORE baby's
shoulders get stuck?

Why are MDs violently PUSHING on tiny spines (with Cytotec, oxytocin, PGE2)
with birth canals senselessly closed up to 30%?

Why are MDs gruesomely PULLING on tiny spines (with hands, forceps, vacuums)
with birth canals senselessly closed up to 30%?

Sometimes MDs pull so hard they rip spinal nerves out of tiny spinal cords!

ALL spinal manipulation is gruesome with the birth canal senselessly closed
up to 30%!

ATTENTION MERCK MANUAL EDITORS Robert Berkow, MD and Mark H. Beers, MD...

Back when I notified you of this grisly birth gaff in 1999...

See 1999 Merck Manual/Homebirth/Brain bleeds/Scoliosis

I erroneously thought MDs were rolling women off their sacra when
hyperflexing the mother's thighs...

BE ADVISED: Merely hyperflexing the mother's thighs (ostensibly "to
increase the diameter of the pelvic outlet") KEEPS THE PELVIC OUTLET
CLOSED - just like in the ACOG video!

See again: ACOG birth crime video evidence

As usual, I am in favor of pardons in advance for MDs. MDs are just
academic prime cuts forced through this culture's most powerful mental
meatgrinder - medical school.

MDs can't stop their criminal negligence (which sometimes escalates to
criminally negligent homicide) - because stopping it would be tantamount to
admitting it.

Pardons in advance will allow MDs to keep making money doing their valid
medical work so that they can pay the inevitable civil damages.

END excerpt of Grisly birth gaff is in Merck Manual too!

Larry, again, the "union boss" called Organized medicine is a tool of
corporate excess - the Pharmamafia...and always has been.

The Pharmamafia has plenty of MONEY.

Money is a huge motivator. As you are likely aware, money is used to mold
MD prescribing behavior - and nowadays via TV - we are subtly programmed to
ASK MDs to prescribe Pharmamafia products...


Isn't it just POSSIBLE that prominent "alternative" birth voices are silent
on certain issues because they are PAID to be silent - under the table?

No way to prove it - but why ELSE (for example) would Henci Goer discuss MDs
chemically whipping uteri and NOT mention MDs closing birth canals?

Why *did* Henci fail to strengthen her own argument with The White Elephant
Fact? (You indicated she is aware of the White Elephant Fact - and indeed I
emailed it to her last year!)

See again: Henci says OBs causing 'short violent labors'/Semisitting birth
is NOT physiological!

Your explanation did not explain, Larry...

See Larry McMahan and Henci Goer and The White Elephant Fact...

This is why I was hoping to see that you were ****ed that the NPR doula did
not mention MDs senselessly closing birth canals up to 30%...

EVERY discussion (on NPR or elsewhere) of high epidural rates and high
cesarean rates should include the FACT that MDs are closing birth canals
then causing VIOLENT uterine contractions thereby SENSELESSLY INCREASING THE
PAIN OF CHILDBIRTH - thereby causing women to beg for epidurals - often
ending up with cesareans...

SILENCE about MDs closing birth canals - THAT is how to make labor more

NOTE: I am NOT saying here that causing MDs and CNMwives to allow birth
canals to open maximally will get rid of all labor pain!

I *AM* saying though that causing MDs and CNMwives to allow birth canals to
open maximally will prevent a lot of SENSELESS labor pain!

As noted above, as usual, I am in favor of pardons in advance for MDs. MDs
are just
academic prime cuts forced through this culture's most powerful mental
meatgrinder - medical school.

MDs can't stop their criminal negligence (which sometimes escalates to
criminally negligent homicide) - because stopping it would be tantamount to
admitting it.

Pardons in advance will allow MDs to keep making money doing their valid
medical work so that they can pay the inevitable civil damages.




Michael C. Klein, MD writes: "[E]pisiotomy is a deliberate second degree
tear." [Birth. Letter.

They are usually FRAUDULENT deliberate tears...

MDs are slashing vaginas en masse - surgically/FRAUDULENTLY inferring they
are doing everything possible to OPEN birth canals - even as they CLOSE
birth canals - up to 30%.

Organized medicine's vagina fraud goes deeper...

Some MDs are still claiming (fraudulently) that their episiotomies are
severe tears clear to the anus when in fact MDs are CAUSING severe tears
clear to the anus!

In 1990 the National Institutes of Health researched the issue and found
that deliberate tears by
MDs (episiotomies) cause fifty times MORE severe tears (tears clear to the
anus) relative to leaving the vagina alone.[Shiono et al. Obstet Gynecol
1990;75(5):765-70. In Klein et al. Online J Curr Clin Trials
(Jul1)1992, Doc. No. 10]

What happens when MDs cause lots of vaginas to tear?

Well, it hurts a lot - and women can have bladder and anal/rectal

Sometimes the vagina wound gets INFECTED...

Rarely, women lose their vaginas - or rather - much necrosed vulval/vaginal
tissue needs to be removed...

Women are being hospitalized in droves because of the vagina slashing (and
possibly because of the hostile microbial environment where it is

"The most common diagnosis for hospitalization among all women is trauma to
perineum due to childbirth."

MDs are deliberately/senselessly traumatizing perinea - and
calling it "childbirth." (!)

This is not childbirth! This is MEDICAL birth - obvious criminal

MDs don't charge for their episiotomies I don't think...

But they *do* charge for treating the aftermath...

MDs are not only hospitalizing women DURING birth - they are using birth to
women AFTER birth!

This is MASSIVE health fraud!

Pardons in advance will speed an end to it.

Again: Pardons in advance will allow MDs to keep doing their valid medical
work so they will have money to pay the inevitable civil damages.

Which reminds me... Has anyone heard of a SINGLE birth trauma attorney
telling a jury that MDs are knowingly closing birth canals?

I haven't heard of any... Still hoping though...

See Atila the OB, hospitals ordered to pay $63 million...

Maybe NPR will do a story and birth trauma attorneys will hear and...

One can only hope.

Thanks for reading everyone.



Dr. Gastaldo

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