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Old April 3rd 05, 05:41 AM
Beth Kevles
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

Hi --

As a single dad, you could probably make good use of a support group
where you live, maybe one composed largely of single parents, maybe
not. If you let us know what city you live in, maybe we could help you
connect with a suitable group.

In any case ... at this age, ALWAYS be supportive of your child.
Appreciate every neat thing he does, new or otherwise. Always tell him
he's doing a "good job", and hug him and smile a lot and ***talk to him
a lot*** even if his answers don't make sense. (I used to keep up a
running commentary on how hot the water was for his bath, and look at
how messy his diaper was, and here are the wipes... I just did
*everything* aloud.)

19 months is still an exploratory stage, with lots of learning and
development, and different areas of learning way out of synch with each
other. Next comes the testing stage (also known as the "terrible twos"
where he'll do stuff just to see what the reaction is. Be firm, be
consistent, and with luck the two of you will get through the next stage
intact :-)

--Beth Kevles -- a page for the milk-allergic
Disclaimer: Nothing in this message should be construed as medical
advice. Please consult with your own medical practicioner.

NOTE: No email is read at my MIT address. Use the AOL one if you would
like me to reply.