Thread: Moral Dillemas
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Old July 3rd 03, 10:19 PM
Meldon Fens
external usenet poster
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Default Moral Dillemas

Is it appropriate in our society to raise our children in a way that
conditions them to be moral?

If so, what then is the likely result of that child when faced in
competition with another who is not moral (or less moral)?

Clearly current law provides a vehicle to protect mothers and children from
dangerous men or environments. Unfortunately there seems to be little
concern for abuse of the vehicle or the result of men loosing out on their
own children's lives simply based on the whim of a woman. The bar is indeed
low for removing fathers from their children.

If a woman takes advantage of these protections to unduly deprive children
of their fathers, and we agree it is immoral, then how can the man ever hope
for equity to be restored if he remains moral? Surely this is within the
realm of wishful thinking.

Therefore, is it not more appropriate in a society where individuals will
face immoral competitors, to raise our children without the traditional
sense of morality and to allow, even encourage them to be without any moral
restriction whatsoever?

Are we really doing the best thing for our kids? Preparing them for a moral
world which does not exist surely must be to their detriment

/Meldon Fens.